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Dr Tatiana Corrales

Reference Group Member, Researcher, Monash University

Dr Tatiana Corrales is a Research Fellow and Industry Leader in the Health and Social Care Unit at Monash University. She has extensive experience in the child protection and OOHC sector, having worked as the Principal Research for a large not-for-profit organisation in Victoria, prior to moving to academia.

research focused on the intersection between child protection, OOHC and the criminal legal system

In her academic role, her research has focussed on the intersection between child protection, OOHC and the criminal legal system. This includes projects exploring prenatal child protection notifications and infant removals, the intersection of child protection and criminal justice when women are pregnant and/or give birth in prison, the impact of developmental trauma on sentencing determinations when children are in OOHC.

Dr Corrales works closely with Allambi Care on their research and evaluation, and has completed a large scale project with Allambi Care exploring the conceptualisation of permanency within the context of therapeutic residential care.