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As a member of the NTRCA you will have the opportunity to further extend your practice by participating in a variety of committees and working groups. This gives you an active role in informing policy and advocating for change across a variety of issues that impact the sector.
Standing committees are a permanent element of our organisational structure. They are established by the Board or the Reference Group to address functions related to our Governance. Standing committees engage in continuous dialogue with stakeholders, experts, and relevant parties to stay abreast of trends, challenges, and opportunities. This ensures NTRCA remains adaptive and responsive to changes in our members operating environment.
This committee drives inclusion and diversity of membership and member services.
Monitors policy issues and initiatives and leads advocacy and position papers and research.
The primary resource for governance issues. It oversees compliance with a company’s board governance framework and maintain compliance with industry, state, and federal regulations.
Topical committees are created for a temporary purpose and dissolved upon completion of their tasks. Topics are suggested by members and all members are able to nominate to participate in topical committees.
Review of Modern Awards re SCHADs
As a member of the NTRCA you have the opportunity to nominate a topic that you want to pursue. This can be done by expressing your interest through the contact form.
Want to find out more about the NTRCA? We'd love to hear from you.